- update clash meta version
- support to change external-controller
- support to change default latency test URL
- close all connections when the proxy changed or the profile changed
- check the config by using the core
- increase the robustness of the program
- optimize windows service mode (need to reinstall)
- optimize ui
Bug Fixes
- invalid hotkey cause panic
- invalid theme setting cause panic
- fix some other glitches
Notes: aarch releases are built from my macbook M1 pro.
- clash-verge_1.2.0_amd64.AppImage
- clash-verge_1.2.0_amd64.AppImage.tar.gz
- clash-verge_1.2.0_amd64.AppImage.tar.gz.sig
- clash-verge_1.2.0_amd64.deb
- Clash.Verge.aarch64.app.tar.gz
- Clash.Verge.aarch64.app.tar.gz.sig
- Clash.Verge.app.tar.gz
- Clash.Verge.app.tar.gz.sig
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_aarch64.dmg
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64.dmg
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_en-US.msi
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_en-US.msi.zip
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_en-US.msi.zip.sig
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_portable.zip
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_zh-CN.msi
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_zh-CN.msi.zip
- Clash.Verge_1.2.0_x64_zh-CN.msi.zip.sig