clash for windows v 0.19.9
add confirm dialog to editors adjust subviews styles support cmd + w to close subviews(macOS) fix command parser not wor...
add confirm dialog to editors adjust subviews styles support cmd + w to close subviews(macOS) fix command parser not wor...
update Electron to v17.0.0 optimize logic of reading content-disposition emit error after long loading time in General m...
update Clash core to v2022.01.27 Premium, note add arm64 windows build 🎊 fix files packing issue add run as admin to ter...
update Clash core support customise headers of profiles #2618 proxies in the screen have higher priority during latency ...
update Clash core, release note add snippets support in Diff editor add Move to Nearest Monitor in Tray -> More encre...
add snippets in CFW editor based on edit provider file now follows Use CFW Edito...
add preload logs fix update failure issue on arm mac(#2526) fix TUN Settings display issue fix some other glitches Downl...
Shadowsocks也被称为SS、酸酸、小飞机、纸飞机、影梭,是目前主流的科学上网工具,SS官网是已被墙)。 ShadowsocksR常被称为SSR、酸酸乳、小飞机(粉色)、纸飞机(粉色)...